
Saturday, 28 February 2009

Welcome to the Tome of the Lost.
You open the door of the library and notice there is someone else already there. Under the light of eight candles, a young cleric and a red robed wizard seem to be lost in conversation. They exchange dusty papers, they point at old drawings, they make theories and conjectures about names that belong to the past.

"Oh! Welcome!" says Cassandra, looking at you over her reading glasses. "We are just collecting old stories. Feel free to join."

Claire glances at the wizard. "Who is that person, Cass?" she whispers. "Is it in our files?"

You know that there are many libraries and librarians in Oberin. You also know that organization is hard to find. Now it's up to you to decide whether or not you want to waste your time in one more messy research project.

[This is a public notebook of what we've heard and read about the history of Obie. Ideally, an IC thing. Ideally, with more people's input than only Claire's and mine. Feel free to comment or to become an author (send any of us a pm through the Oberin forum if you're interested in the latter option). Just don't forget to label your posts according to the part of history they refer to.
Bits and pieces of storyline, posts about specific characters, links to old and dusty archives, everything is welcome, as long as pertinent.]