An Album in Many Parts (A)

Written by Sophina Longlocks on .

A visual guide to persons of import throughout the history of Oberin.

Keywords: Brogan's Keep, Blood Dagger
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Adelphius Kang
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Altaira Mei
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Amalphus Vei
Keywords: Brigobaen
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Keywords: Andrisian Librarian
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Keywords: Shadowed Orb
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Avesne's Golem
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Ayara Rita
Keywords: Blood Dagger
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Happy Endings

Written by Cassandra on .

Full text of the play performed on the 129th day of the Growing moon, year 434.
"Happy Endings" - A tragicomedy

Chorus A = single singer
Chorus B = whole group, moving one step left, one step right
Chorus runs around saying "Opoppopoi oimoi toipoi"

A: Behold Seth, the King's Magician,
A: A man of *bol flas* disposition*.
B: Lightning cometh from his hands,
B: He guides the future of these lands.
A: By old King Austin he was appointed
A: Whose wife Queen Lyrel herself annointed
B: Ruler of Mirith, the usurping cow!
B: Then came Ian, our good King now,
A: Righting wrongs, he seized the throne,
A: thus putting paid to that old crone.
B: Yet her lover, Aureil, haunts us yet,
B: And lurks in shadows, lest we forget.
A: Perhaps his plans will harm the King?
A: But let's get on! The play's the thing!

Episode 1.
Throne Room.
Seth, Coco, Ian.

Ian: The time of lasting peace has come, my subjects.
Ian: Only one foe, Aureil, remains.
Seth: Aye, great King, and with me at your side,
Seth: He shall never lay a hand on you.
Coco: I too stand at your side,
Coco: Providing jokes and scenery, should Aureil choose to attack.
Ian: I can count on your protection, my royal mage.
Ian: But I would like to take one more precaution.
Seth: My Lord?
Ian: We have all heard the prophecy.
Coco: *nods vigorously*
Coco: Not even a fool would dismiss a po... porphe... thing.
Ian: The words of the oracle were clear:
Ian: "The end has come, as existence is revealed to be a jest,
Ian: Winged darkness will devour the realm."
Coco running in circles.
Coco: *flaps arms* I am a Black Dragon! Hear my roar!
Ian: I believe this can only refer to Aureil and his black magic.
Ian: Seth, I want you to destroy him once and for all.
Seth: But your safety...
Ian: We know his whereabouts.
Ian: It will not take you long to join my company again.
Coco: Besides, I prove to be a veritable punching bag as well.
Seth: Well planned, my Lord. I shall confront him!
*Seth off*
Ian: Then let us rejoice as the world finally comes to peace!
Coco: Aww, and here I thought it would come to an end.
Ian: Haha, you sure are a funny one.

Stasimon 1
Chorus, as before.

A: They say that Seth is sage and wise -
A: Has it then escaped his eyes
A: That Coco's humour is somewhat dark?
A: And that behind each glib remark,
A: lies something else: What could it be?
B: Shut up! We are about to see...

Episode 2
Cavern used as hideout.
Aureil. Seth arriving surrepitiously.

Aureil: My portal is almost finished!
Aureil: Finally, I may cross dimensions!
Seth: *enters the cave*
Seth: You shall go nowhere, Aureil!
Aureil: Seth?! What on Oberin...
Aureil: How did you find me?
Seth: Lightning showed me the way.
Seth: *bol flas*
Aureil: Wait, Seth!
Aureil: You have to listen!
Seth: I will hear none of your excuses, murderer of Austin!
Aureil: I mean his son, King Ian, no harm, not anymore!
Seth: Instead you intend to destroy the world as in the prophecy!
Aureil: No, the prophecy, you misunderstand!
Seth: This portal of yours must be eliminated.
Aureil: No! It is my last chance of escape from the prophecy!
Seth: *bol flas*
Aureil: Nooo! What have you done!
Aureil: Now I will die! We will all die!
Seth: Your meddlings are over Aureil, you die indeed.
Seth: *bol flas*
Aureil: *dies*
Seth: This problem is dealt with.
Seth: The prophecy has been avoided.
Seth: Now on to more practical matters.
Seth: *loots*
Seth: A parchment?
Seth: It reads "Till the end! Yours, Coco."
Seth: What does Coco...
Seth: Jest... winged darkness... Oh, no! The prophecy!
Seth: How could I be so blind!
Seth: Not Aureil, it is Coco, the fool!
Seth: He was the one threat remaining!
Seth: *hurries off*

Stasimon 2
Chorus, as before.

A: Doom comes, for Aureil is dead,
A: As Seth has fireballed his head!
B: He planned only to run away,
B: but now he's bolted, there he'll stay,
A: As Seth grasps the dreadful thing,
A: And flees with haste to save his King,
B: And hoping that he's not too late,
B: To turn aside this awful fate.

Episode 3
Throne room.
Ian, Coco.

Ian: Coco, tell me a joke, in celebration.
Coco: I have been waiting eagerly to do so, my King.
Ian: Why that?
Coco: I have a special joke, that will make you die of laughter.
Ian: Haha, you sure know how to provoke my interest.
Ian: You have saved it for this very day?
Coco: I would have told it earlier, but Seth would not have approved.
Coco: You see, it is about Black Magic.
Ian: Pray tell, my fool, I love to hear your jests.
Coco: Very well, my King.
Coco: Once, a travelling black mage met a sheep with white fur.
Coco: Never having met such a thing before,
Coco: The black mage readies himself for battle:
Coco: * Mora *
Ian: My my, black magic, careful Coco.
Coco: No worries, it is a joke.
Coco: But the startled sheep goes:
Coco: * Bah *
Coco: The black mage fears for his live:
Coco: * Mora Elarum Erarum *
Ian: The poor sheep!
Coco: I have to whisper the punchline to your ear, for it is so funny.
Ian: *listens* That tickles!
Coco: *whispers*
Ian: Hahahaha, that was funny!
Coco: Wasn't it wonderful, my Lord?
Ian: Hahahaha! Haha... ha... haha...
Ian: * hahaha hahaha hahaha *
Coco: So funny! A joke to die for!
Ian: * hahaha hahaha hahaha *
Coco: Laughter sure is a blessing, but sometimes it's a curse, my Lord.
Ian: * hahaha hahaha hahaha *
Coco: *grins*
Coco: Seth would never have allowed it.
Ian: * hahaha hahaha hahaha *
Coco: Now, die, you fool of a King! Cheerio!
Ian: * hahaha ha... ha... *
Ian: *dies*
Coco: The King is dead, long live the new King, Coco!
*Seth arrives.*
Seth: Coco, what have you done!
Coco: *takes the Dragonstone Ring from Ian*
Seth: You fool, you killed Ian! Perish!
Seth: *bol flas*
Coco: No! Not now!
Coco: The ring!
Seth: The Dragonstone Ring, don't touch it!
Black Dragons appear.
Coco: If you will not have me King,
Coco: Then you will have nothing at all!
Coco: Black wings shall destroy this world!
Seth: I will survive!
Seth: * Mora Olsen Preldian *
*Seth vanishes.*
Coco: Wasn't this funny?
Coco: Wasn't this foolish?
Coco: Hahahaha!
*Coco vanishes.*

Chorus, as before.

A: Darkness spreads its deadly claws
A: In forests, cities, temples, shores,
A: Come Dragons, to destroy the world,
A: This is the doom Coco unfurled!
B: A time of terror, blood and death,
B: The world torn down by Dragon's breath.
A: All is lost, nothing remains,
A: yet from the shadows, I hear refrains
A: of such sweet songs, a young girl's voice,
B: Elara comes! We shall rejoice!

Astral Aureil

Written by Cassandra on .

Cassandra dreams of Aureil and of the events leading to and following the death of King Austin.
Preparing the play had been a long but pleasurable work. Finally, the first draft was ready; it was time to rehearse it and think of stage directions. Cassandra waited for Kwesyther at the Hall. They would not need the actors yet — this evening was just to have a first idea of how long would it take to transpose the written words into a spoken dialogue. Pause, intonations, hesitations, all those factors made a difference impossible to judge by staring at a fixed page.

The two wizards went through the first act a few times,, trying different staging options. Then the second act. The third. In between, there would still be the verses penned by Antoninus. But the cleric was a slow writer, and those would probably be ready shortly before the premiere. The actors composing the chorus were patient. They wouldn't mind learning their lines with such a short notice, so big was the enthusiasm of bringing this project to a good end.

The moon was already high in the sky when the blue robed wizard declared it was time to sleep. He was always the responsible one. Cassandra would gladly spend days and nights working, without thinking of the consequences to her skin and her brain by the end of it. It was so hard to disconnect from an obsessive idea, that even when she slept things would still occupy her thoughts. She would certainly dream of Seth and Fool Coco that night. Or perhaps she would just rest, unable to sleep at all.

Wishing good night to her companion, she untied her boots, and carefully folded her robe next to the bed, with the hat on the top. She didn't like to sleep at the Hall. Too many people could walk in and wake her up abruptly. It would be even worse if they were to trip on her robe carelessly thrown to the floor. Closing her eyes to summon sleep, she recalled one of the details they still had to solve in the play. Different documents had different information on a wizard called Aureil. Most would say he was a man, who had helped Queen Lyrel killing Austin. But one single faded note mentioned him as a woman, the concubine of Coco. "You will play Aureil, and we address him as a male," had said Kwesyther. That way they would keep the ambiguity, and if not right historically, at least it would be an inside joke remind the authors of the problems faced in the research.

"Disparaging comments often include gender references," said the voice. She was now walking on a square stage limited by green fences on all sides but the back, where a wall had been erected with round trunks of trees, carefully aligned so that the light would not pass. "Aureil used Astral Projections. Hold on a second." A figure in a grey robe and a grey wizard hat was standing in front of her. "Normally he wore red. As a projection he looked like this," continued the figure. She heard her own voice asking what would a projection do. "It could do anything he could. But while he was using it his body was vulnerable."

Her sense couldn't recognise the person in front of her. Impalpable, still familiar; the conversation between the two flew as if they had met before. "I assume the advantage was to get to places his body couldn't." The other nodded assent. "Indeed. I seem to recall Marthonis used the same device once or twice. It's something that might be useful." Marthonis, Marthonis and his thirst for all things to be know. Would he teach them about projections? The wizard forced herself to open her eyes again. "I must remember this tomorrow," the told herself, before turning around and falling asleep again, trying to pick up the dream at the point she had left it.

At first she saw sheep. And harpies, in a field of lotus. Sweeping these colourful images aside, she focused on finding the grey robed man again. There he was, standing slightly above her head. She had to ask her questions while she was still convinced of being in possession of her reason. A minute longer could be too late. "Aureil sided with Lyrel, right?" she inquired, "and was from the Sourcerer's Council too?" The man floating above her head seemed to understand her words, even if she didn't understand then herself any longer. "Aureil came after Greil. Who came after Ploog. Aureil was responsible for Sam II killing the King."

She must had asked about the murdering of the King at this point. She would logically have asked, would she be in full control of her voice. "I think it was a conspiracy with Lyrel. But it was a long time ago. I think there was a ruse. The majority of the people were busy somewhere else. Aureil brought Sam II to Austin's bed. Austin had a dagger of power, but he was no match for the ranger." The figure paused to look up to the sky. What would he be able to see from there, she wondered, sheep, harpies, and lotus invading the landscape again. "Austin was wearing a purple robe at the time."

And suddenly she was floating too, orbiting around the grey figure, words pouring forth her mouth, and organising themselves in the air in the form of questions, some round and gentle, others with sharp lines and aggressive. The hands by which the dragonstone ring had passed, the exact order of the dynasty, the colours of Lyrel's waxed hats, the tuskers in the lake of lava… The figure would just turn his head as she passed, waiting for the end of each complete circle to reply to any of the questions asked. She would fly higher and higher at each turn. "Ian was a good boy… Ian was a good boy… Ian was a good boy…" Higher, higher, until she fell heavily on the ground again.

The wizards shivered in discomfort. Unable to wake up, she struggled her way back to the bed, her feet entangled in the blueish sheets of the Mirith Vanguard. "Dominus was Lyrel's mage, but then came the Bane?" she asked, now committed to her dreams, unaware of the absence of blanket, that had fell to the side, nor the freezing cold she was feeling. "He wore a blue robe and a black hat," replied the shadow, once again in suspension above her head. "I know Tholarius wore all blue," she declared with a vehemence strange to her usual tone of voice. "We're not discussing him," stated the shadow, threatening to disappear from sight. "We will in a second," she yelled. The shadow remained.

"He sided with Dominus before the Bane or after?" she inquired, now in a whisper. "Loyal servant to Dominus," was the dry reply. "When Dominus becomes Bane Dominus, he's not Lyrel's mage anymore?" she continued, "Lyrel had been banished before that point," he retorted. And the grey robed figure was gone. In his place, the same man, in a different attire, as if in his voice a multitude of living beings could take shape, and he would only be the unifying narrator of all those different lives.

"When Ian and Seth stormed the castle…" resumed the figure, now covered in black, "Lyrel was banished by Seth. And her followers jailed. For a while after Travis the former Royal Scout tried to find her." He paused to stare at her intimidatingly, showing by his look that his subsequent words would be of major importance. "Wore black plate and robe." She felt the muscles of her face trembling in a smile. "Dominus had been teaching him Black Magic. Worked with Tholarius for a while. They tried to summon Dominus back. To aid them in their quest. After some considerable trouble they located the Book of the Dead…"

A dormant insight made her continue his words. "…And used it to summon Dominus." The shadow changed position, moving to the other side of her. "Yes, with the aid of the witch Sevohabwyn. Dominus returned as a disciple of the Bane." She turned around, following the voice. "Of course around the same time Stefan and the Necromancer were up to no good. Dominus and Tholarius had killed Susan Bridges, Stefan's lover. And a brigand cleric. She was working against Aureil in secret. And had been releasing prisoners from the jail. She screamed and screamed."

"Reminiscence." After a sigh, he continued, "They overthrew Lyrel and the Bane took Dominus. Stefan wanted to bring back Susan Bridges. And entered into a pact with the Necromancer. If Stefan brought him the Tome of the Damned he would bring back Susan Bridges. Escalus had it for reasons I forget. And was meant to burn it. Eventually The Necromancer and Stefan tried to bring back Susan Bridges anyway. But without the Tome they got it wrong. And the spirit of Ploog was brought back instead. Creating the Lord Lich."

She wanted to wake up. Her feet, now liberated, were kicking against the mattress, her head shaking repeatedly, incomprehensible sounds coming from her mouth. After a few minutes, the wizard was still again, the trouble of her dreams being revealed only be her tense hands holding tight the lower ends of the pillow. The figure was still there, waiting quietly for her return. "It was his fault," he stated to the void. "Who killed Ploog in first place," she asked. "He had a royal robe. Fighter. No, wait. He killed Sorcerer Pete." She gave up the question. Asked another. "What happened to the Book of the Dead after Tholarius and Travis? Lost until Marthonis' times?" The other was unsure. Well, he found it in Marali. I imagine it had several owners over the years." Other disconnected little questions followed.

The figure looked at the sky once again. It was time to put an end to the encounter. "Sometimes it's nice to talk about the past," he let escape as his final words, disappearing back in the darkness he had come from. She was still on the stage, alone and silent. The trunks were vanishing one by one, the fences dissolving in the background. The floor was the only thing standing still and offering support and safety. She crawled to one of its corners, as the rest of the world was disappearing. Curling in the fetal position, she abandoned herself to a heavy sleep, this time undisturbed by dreams.

[Thanks to those who need to be thanked, as usual.]

The Poisonous Priesthood

Written by Sophina Longlocks on .

A Concise History of Venom Priests.

She breathed in deeply, the aroma of antiquity playing a merry tune on her senses. Thousands of pages of history - epic battles, amazing heroes, tedious records, tales of war and peace - were beckoning to her. The Andrisian library was indeed a wonder. She had been looking forward to this sabbatical for some time, and the prospect of delving through mountains of information made her heart race just as quickly as it did when she was on the hunt.

She chose a table in the corner with a tall candle and set out her studying materials - some new quills, an inkwell, and a freshly purchased stack of paper. Not knowing quite where to start, the Ranger wandered, running her hand along the rows of books. Seeing Ambrose down an aisle, she waved and smiled. He returned her greeting, and went back to reading the logbook he'd recently been given by Cassandra and a group of adventurers. She continued on, looking at each shelf, taking in all of the titles. One caught her eye in particular: "Musings on Priests of Venom". She reached for the book, slipping it from the shelf. It was bound in green leather, worn smooth by the many hands that had handled it. The pages were crisp and only slightly yellowed along the edges. It fell open easily in her hand, the binding having been broken in by hundreds of readers. Yes, she mused, green was a good place to start.

Year: 429-430

A new Senator had just been elected in Andris by the name of Natis Fieltler. At the time, Andris was beset by an order of men who claimed to be "Venom Priests". They possessed the magic of Wizards and Druids. Alys observed "...there seem to be 3 distinct types of these priests. The lesser priests use far fewer spells and rely more on their pets. They tend to carry only one bracken seed, 2-3 dragon teeth, and less than 100 of various reagents. Those priests also carry poison sickles. There are other priests, with more magic, who carry 7-8 dragon teeth and two bracken seeds. There was one priest, though who seemed very special. He was killed near town, and according to Breigje that one had over 100 dragon teeth on his body and wore a green wizard hat." No one knew where they came from, though there was a rumored "cave" where they could be found.

The first recorded Venom Priest encounter was by the Ranger Vael as he mined. He saw a green robed figure run past, making a guttural sound before disappearing. Vael made his way toward the city to tell Alys, soon-to-be leader of the Andris Vanguard. As they talked at the gate, the guards hushed them and told them to stop spreading rumors. Apparently the Senate already knew of this threat and had alerted the guards.

Senator Fieltler expressed concern about the increasing number of poisonous creatures around the city and asked a group to investigate. The group found one of these Venom Priests on Crescent Island with poisonous pets in tow. Though he was certainly not friendly, he didn't attack them directly. He claimed he was out feeding his pets. He showed disdain for the Senate, and threw down a few bracken seeds for the group to deal with to cover his escape. They followed his trail, and came upon the Captain of the guard, who informed them that they had known about them, but it was the first time one had attacked a group.

While the group conducted a search, the guards at the west gate were slaughtered. Not far from the gate they found the Venom Priest that had done it, and he promptly attacked them with his pets and magic. They defeated him and found no clues on his body. Another priest of a higher rank promptly appeared and told them to leave those lands. They refused, of course, and he threatened them. Shortly after, Vael and Faith had killed another Venom Priest that attacked them in the woods. Two more were killed that same night, and their pets.

Days later, another was found on Crescent Island. Alys and Immolated tried to gain some information, but they found this priest very rude and uncooperative. He mentioned an offer from "the other city". When he was asked about this, he attacked them, throwing down a bracken seed and summoning many scorpions and poison beasts while he escaped. They pursued, but as they approached the city, Immolated tracked many creatures at the east gate. Mighty warriors joined them, and they took back the east gate. The venom priest was found and defeated a short time later near the cemetery.

Some weeks passed before D'arkk Lyver and Breigje Balloc encountered another of the priests on Crescent Island. He promptly killed Breigje with his lightning bolts and summoned many beasts to distract the Ranger. Meanwhile, elsewhere on the Andrisian continent, Gwen Hauns and Crysania had been hunting and one of the priests appeared near Crysania and threw a bracken seed down. It was becoming very clear that they needed a plan to get rid of these venomous menaces.

Just after the turn of the new year (430), a Venom Priest was spotted near The Circle's guild hall. After a fierce battle, he was defeated. Senator Fieltler aided and asked that they collect objects from some of the stronger priests to help her with a project. The bracken seed found in the pocket of this priest would be helpful. The group started looking around the forests, but soon heard an eerie voice saying, "This is the last you will see of your home!" They rushed back and found that the east gate was under attack. They battled fiercely through beast and bracken, and killed one priest. He was quickly replaced by another. This one unleashed a larger force, and managed to escape after wreaking much havoc.

A couple more weeks went by. The guards had put up a sign at the end of the road warning people of the danger of Crescent Island. A strong group ventured that way and, after fighting through the bracken that lined the shore, were confronted again by one of these foul priests. They dispatched the priest and then were surrounded by a circle of bracken. They defeated the creatures on the island and things seemed normal again for the time being.

Another attack on The Circle's guild hall came a few days later. Many creatures, many bracken, another priest slain. The next attack... the last recorded... is very strange indeed. As a group fought a Venom Priest near The Circle's hall, the priest ran off toward the cemetery. The party gave chase only to find that a Bone Lord had appeared and began to attack the Venom Priest. With the Bone Lord's help, the group finally vanquished the poisonous priest. Upon questioning the Bone Lord, they found out that Marthonis had made the Venom Priests a subject of study. He asked for the body, and the group reluctantly agreed.

One other bit of information was found... an old work of art with many warriors battling a man named Venudious who seems to have been high up in the Venom Priest order. Senator Fieltler is depicted there, and the legend says that the one known as "Lesser Venudious" of the Venenum Addo guild was overpowered and killed. Redman tells of this battle, but sadly it's in a language that I'm not very familiar with. I will seek someone to help translate.

Much later a Cleric records an event near Andris concerning Senator Fieltler and the search for a Nevia Flower in which the Senator refers to the "old cult" of the Venom Priests. They didn't come upon any that day, but the mere mention of it seems to allow for the possibility...

Excerpt from said record:
There are rumours also.
What are people saying?
Rumors of what, senator?
Sometimes there are parts of the continent where that old cult used to live that can be dangerous.
I fear the scouts may have found something similar.
Which cult was that?
Oh dear... does that mean danger?
It is hard to believe they would not return.
Those Venom priests.
That sounds... scary...
*checks mandrake root supply*
*changes dagger*
It's only a rumor of course. * smiles *

Looking up from her journaling, the Ranger noticed that the once tall candle had become considerably shorter. Being well satisfied with the first day's work, she gathered her things together and placed the books she had used back on the shelves they'd come from. As she closed the door quietly behind her and climbed the ladder on the way to the inn, she grew excited at the prospect of unearthing more buried treasures of Oberin's history on the morrow.


Five Eulogies for Zexe

Written by Cassandra on .

The five speeches proffered in Mirith, by the time of Zexe's burial.
Everything was exactly as she had left it. No one had touched the piles of notes on the small desk, nor replaced the candles, now covered by a thin layer of dust. She avoided looking at the door of the small cubicle where Kwesyther used to write his indices. She wanted to imagine he was still there, and pretend she could still hear his exclamations of anger every time a drop of ink blurred his clear handwriting, or every time a name was too hard to spell for a native of the modern tongue. Her work had been left undone. Life had changed her projects, and for too long she had lost the necessary motivation to pursue her research. Now, as the year of 433 was reaching its end, she could feel her old enthusiasm returning. Slowly. But it was there. It was time to come back and work again.

The pretext was small, almost insignificant. She had found, in a strip of parchment marking the pages of a more common book, the transcription of the speeches proffered at Zexe's burial. Tiny excerpts of words from the past, yet still worth keeping in the history books. She unfolded the strip on the table, sharpened her old quill, and opened her book of records at the page she had left it. Then, writing carefully the headings of each section, she transcribed the five eulogies.

I remember a story Zexe shared with me, and I would like to share it with all of you. When Zexe was a child, he was in the wilderness alone and was very afraid. His father sent him into the forest to become a man. While he was looking for shelter, a royal guard stumbles upon him. The guard asked "Why are you here young man?" And Zexe replied "I'm a man? Yay!" I got a good chuckle from that one. I think Zexe would not want us to feel sad, but remember the good times. I will miss him...

Birek McCalla
Since coming to Mirith I have met many people otherwise I would have not. And foremost among them was Zexe. From the first we knew each other as fellow warriors. Different cities we followed, aye, but our lives were alike. As we worked together, for the defense of Mirith and Oberin the respect grew. And a firm and unshakable friendship grew. The mark of friendship I believe is to argue at times and all the time remain true. Zexe and I debated on opposing sides many times what was best. But through it all, and to the moment of his death, we remained great friends. He knew one day he would die, and I believe the way he did was as he'd want. Remember him. He deserves it.

You are and he was a great force for Mirith and Oberin. He fought valiantly that day and now rests with the greatest heroes of Oberin. He has fought next to all of you and I am sure it was the best time of his life. What he has done for Oberin and Mirith shall never be forgotten. I wish for you all to hope to become a great warrior like Zexe. Above all else, he would want for Mirith to continue to be a peaceful place. Now if you will all please join me in a moment of silence.

Nhezul Ryithin
Well, I'm in much the same boat as Birek. I'm not actually a Mirithian. Unlike many of you, I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Zexe as well as many did. That being said, I fought beside him, I saw how he fought for what he believed in. I may not remember him as a friend, but I'll remember him as one of the best damn warrior's Oberin has had. That's all.

Well, I only met Zexe once... but he was a great warrior and led us into a tough battle. His efforts will never be forgotten by any of us. That's all.

[Source and full log:]